I was entertained recently by an article in the New York Times called
Kissing Your Socks Goodbye about home organization advice from a Japanese woman named Marie Kondo, who refers to herself as a "tidying consultant."
Marie Kondo, let me just say it now-
I love you.
As her book title states, tidying up is life-changing magic.
So much for asking ourselves if we need something, or if it is out of style, or if it still fits....
Kondo advises to discard EVERYTHING that doesn't bring us joy.
Her thoughts on sorting papers is the most liberating of all:
Just throw them all away!
(In this day of computers I think we almost can thank god)
I've read about the relationship between tidy homes and the care we take for our bodies. I can't imagine that there isn't a correlation between tidying and what we choose to sweep under the rug- or decide to address with ourselves and in our relationships as well...
But to discard EVERYTHING that doesn't bring us joy?
Holy moly, I think I have to think about this.
Although there are things that I could toss in a heartbeat, there are several "levels of joy" that surround me here...
For example she says to throw out all my buttons...
Wait. WHAT?