February 17, 2011

Aging Gracefully with Optimism

This week's beauty is Deborah Woods Begy. Deborah has been married to her husband Dave for twenty-five years and they have two grown daughters. They reside in Dacula, Georgia where Deborah is a part time GED Examiner and enjoys being creative around the house.

Deborah has this to share about growing older:

Aging is a complex thing.  There are physical changes that take place that others can see, but it is how we think and feel that really matters.  We see images all around us everyday of real women who have been airbrushed and photo-shopped to fit a mold that in reality does not exist.  Lines and wrinkles are going to happen to everyone, that is a given.  Embrace this fact and get on with what really matters in life! 

The mind truly is incredible.  I have seen the effects that negativity can have on a person mentally but also physically.  We all have days when we struggle to smile when all we really want to do is scream.  Even though it may be one of the hardest things to do in life, changing the way you feel about yourself and getting older can improve your quality of life in every way. You are only as old as you feel so go ahead and break the “rules” if you want!  I will cut my hair only when I feel the time is right, and wear what I want because I am 49, immature and proud of it!!

Thanks Deb for your contribution and happy twenty-fifth anniversary to you both.