New year's resolutions are usually attempts to take better care of ourselves, and in truth, love ourselves more. Be it emotionally, physically, mentally, or spiritually.
From experience I know that I take much better care of everything in my life when I'm greedy enough to take care of myself first.
We are all much happier, I think, when we take the time to do this.
To put this to the test- next time you feel unhappy- notice what you are unhappy about. It is likely going to be, at least in part, about not taking good care of your "self".
Personally, I think it should be point #1 in the course of Personal Management 101, not to mention in aging gracefully.
So why is it so hard for so many people to focus in and put themselves first?
It may be in part because many people avoid change and the unwelcome emotions that come with it, explains an article in Fortune about why new year's resolutions are so hard to keep.
For instance, losing weight successfully -and long term- is not usually attainable if we don't pull up the veil and deal with why we overeat and stop reaching for the solace of food when we aren't hungry.
My friend Aldra at Consciously Frugal wrote a great post last week on compulsive behavior, if you are interested.
Also, if your goal this year is about exercising more, especially in the pool, Women Magazine is featuring an article about yours truly called Swimming Spirit. Among other things, it has tips for getting started with swimming.
Aside from eating well and exercising, I thought I'd mention a few other new years resolutions that might ring a bell with many of you. I know they do with me:
- Stop being consumed by things we cannot control.
- Stop worrying: so much of our stress comes from impending disasters that never happen or worrying about things that really don't matter.
- Stop freaking out about the economy.
- Stop saying "yes" when we want to say "no". A good way to do this, if it is hard for you, is to say that you need to think about it first, and then circle back around to the person with your answer.
- Stop worrying about where we will be in 5 or 10 years. Think about what we want to do and less about what we want to be.