This week's beauty is Paige Pellegrino who was a classmate and a friend of mine in high school. The interesting thing is that Paige found me when she accidentally came across Lines of Beauty, not through an alumni list or Facebook. Paige is an artist, a Thai Massage Practitioner, and a yoga instructor. Her website is Willow Grace Yoga.
Paige has this to share about growing older:
"Being 50 something is FAB. Well actually, it’s more about feeling comfortable with the skin I'm in. I'm 51 and wouldn't change a thing. Who wants to go back to 29? Not me. I'm not saying there aren't days that I don't feel great, and lack confidence, but being 50 is wonderful.
We have permission to finally say NO! We know what we want, who we are, and how we want to spend our time.
Six years ago I stepped into my first yoga class and fell in love. I've trained at one of the best yoga centers in the world; Kripalu, located in western Massachusetts. Teaching and sharing yoga has kept me grounded, and focused. Teaching yoga to special populations has rewarded me with gratitude that I couldn't buy if I wanted. There’s richness in doing what you love.
The trick is bringing this yoga stuff off the mat and into my life. Accepting myself as I am; flaws and all, with no strings attached. Sometimes judgment and insecurities do pop up, but in that case, a few breaths, a few time outs, and I'm good to go.
As a woman in her 50’s, I've found the most
important thing for me is to laugh and have a bit of fun. Learning to poke fun
at myself is the best medicine. My grandmother lived to 103! Her secret
was a little giggle at the end of each sentence. Why not go through life happy? To be honest, a little red wine goes a long way too!
I've learned to embrace every flaw, every
wrinkle, as a messenger to who I authentically am. Every little wrinkle tells a
story that I wouldn't trade for the world. I intend to go through this aging
process as a natural part of growing into who I am supposed to be. No botox for
me baby! No judgments, it’s just not how I intend to grow. The gray hairs are starting to sprout
little by little. Will I color? Of course. Will I wear make up and lipstick? You bet your ass I will!
On the serious side, the most difficult
part of aging is losing those that we love. We are slowly beginning to lose
grandparents, parents, spouses, and friends. I lost my father to cancer
last year which has been one of the hardest things in my life. But that
is life. It’s all a reminder that things don't last forever; that things are born and that things eventually end. Life does go on. So I shall
continue practicing “50 Something Awesomeness” and living out loud!
Thank you Paige for being this week's beauty. XO