April 08, 2017

Making Lemonade

My niece, Vira, posted this on her Instagram last week. So good! I've said I've been busy before and haven't explained why. Just busy taking care of me. The best kind of busy. No explanation needed to take time out for ourselves. No explanation needed anytime really, for anything.

How wonderfully empowering is this?

My nice, Vira, is an American recording artist. Her music has been featured in commercials for BMW, Coke-Zero and NBC Universal. Her latest song, Last Ride, is out and I love it. Vira comes from the Sanskrit word for hero and the Greek/Latin word for truth. She is one of my of biggest inspirations.

I am off today for a weekend away with two very new friends. Some of you may remember my dear friend Liz, who died a few months ago. These two friends were lifelong friends of hers, whom I met only once before her death.

This weekend, we will make some lemonade out of lemons. <3 <3 <3

Sending love and light,

