January 31, 2017

When A Wall Comes Down

In honor of my floral loving friend, Liz
I've been flattened this week with some very sad news. This past Thursday morning I lost my dear friend Liz, who was my longtime walking buddy. She died very suddenly from complications of the flu/asthma.

When I say that she was a very kind and loving person it doesn't come close to describing her fully.

Why is it that I opened my phone to text her the day before she died, actually put her name in, got interrupted with a phone call and never got back to it?

I would have known perhaps how sick she was. I could have helped.

Why is it that she drove herself to the emergency room on Wednesday night and it was too crowded, so she decided to try again in the morning?

Eight hours later, in the middle of the night, it was too late.

Why is that this human was so prominent in my life, and yet, I have not one selfie of us together?

As my one of my daughters said, maybe this is beautiful thing.

That maybe we were experiencing more important things together than capturing a moment.

As I prepare for her funeral tomorrow, I am writing a short tribute to share.

Hold your friends dearly. We never know when they are going to slip away.

With love,

January 16, 2017

The Chakra of Love

The beautiful lotus flower represents the heart chakra.

I've been reading up on the 7 chakras and especially liked learning more this week about the 4th chakra, our heart chakra. 

The chakra of love.

Love, the ultimate healing force.

Especially important this week, in the difficult political situations we face.

When our hearts are open and energy is freely flowing, we are not only loving to others, we are also more loving to ourselves.

When our hearts are open, we know when we need to say no and do some self-nurturing. 

Try smiling at a few strangers today and see what happens.

Love and warmth will always radiate and grow.


January 09, 2017

What Is

In the wake of all the crazy things that are happening, such as the shootings in Fort Lauderdale recently, I'm finding it helpful to come back to what is right and what is working, and more than ever, to be very grateful for it all.

We can sometimes get so caught up in WHAT ISN'T can we not?

On the verge of the new presidency, I thought a bit of humor is in order for this week (see below).

With love to you all,