This week’s Aging Beauty is Elizabeth Beech who is 45 years old. She is one of the founding members, and is on the advisory board of, the African Well Fund, which funds much needed water projects in sub-Saharan Africa. As of this posting The African Well Fund has enough votes to win 20k from JP Morgan Chase Community Giving on July 13th but would be very grateful to anyone who would like to vote and continue to secure their spot.
Elizabeth also has a new travel blog called The Life Traveler.
Here is her advice about aging gracefully:
- My motto is - Live greatly. Live generously.
- I sleep about 4-5 hours per night. A 30-minute power nap in the afternoon keeps my energy level up.
- Don't be afraid to look silly - Every Friday at 2pm, regardless of where I'm at, I put on the song Guantanamera. I dance and sing along and try to get everyone around me to do the same.
It's 2:00 PM on Friday here on the east coast so in celebration of Elizabeth, and the 4th of July....I bring you Guantanamera!
Have a lovely long weekend everyone :-)