September 28, 2010

Botox Me Not

I keep reading more and more about Hollywood’s latest take on botox, especially casting director’s, who no longer want to hire frozen, robotic looking faces. This is such great news seeing how they are at the forefront in our media of what is put before our eyes as examples of beauty.  Even Julia Roberts has come forward recently saying that she never wants to have plastic sugery. Recently in Elle magazine she explained, “I want my kids to know when I'm pissed, when I'm happy and when I'm confounded. Your face tells a story and it shouldn't be a story about your drive to the doctor's office."

Julia, congratulations. You will go down in history as one of the first women in Hollywood to take a stand and set a great example not only for your own daughter, but for young girls and women everywhere.

A few month's ago there was another good article in the New York Times about the change in tide in Hollywood.

I leave you this week with a pictorial of aging actresses at More Magazine

I think Annette Bening looks especially fabulous :-)