................................a journal about aging naturally, one wrinkle at a time.
January 17, 2012
Ninety-Five Going on Forty
Brooklyn artist and film maker, Julia Warr, met 95-year-old Russian ballet dancer, Maia Helles on a plane four years ago. Noticing that Maia was as fit and healthy as a forty year old, it convinced Julia of the benefits of the daily exercise routine that Maia perfected, with her mother, more than 60 years ago. Way before exercise classes were ever invented of course!
What is very limber, 95-year-old Maia's secret to long life you may be wondering?
Simplicity, work, and enjoyment.
Julia's above video, My Friend Maia, has gone viral. With only 38 hits on January 10th, it understandably received 3,637 yesterday.
Enjoy this very calming, beautiful clip.
Shot in Fire Island, NY
Many thanks to Carolyn for sending it in.