This was not always the case.
It use to be a claustrophobic, white knuckle, heart racing event for me to drive through the tunnel. It started about 25 years ago when I worked for a Swiss yarn importer and one of my responsibilities was to pick up all of our sales reps in a fifteen-passenger van at the airport, often in Boston's rush hour traffic, and drive them to our bi-annual sales meeting.
Be still my heart.
I was born a slightly anxious, worrywart of a girl, who use to miss my mommy when I went off to nursery school and the early years of grammar school.
And I have been in rehabilitation ever since :-)
These days though I feel like I am on some sort of valium compared to how I sometimes use to feel, but I am not.
By the time I sat down for the annual blood work-up, I felt like I had been through a wringer.
My doctor called the next morning and asked if I had been nervous when I came in. Ummm...just a hair! She said that my sugar levels were very high and she wanted me to come in and take the test again. She explained that anxiety (which releases cortisol, the stress hormone) causes your sugar levels to spike which isn't good.
So I calmly went in the next day and had another blood test.
It came back totally normal.
"Ohhh....I see the mind/body connection now," I thought. I experienced personally how stress affects our health.
It was like a gift.
The light at the end of the tunnel.
This knowledge, coupled with kicking coffee, has made a huge impact on my life. I have learned to "change the channel" when I start having anxious thoughts, and it has made a big difference in my well-being.
I think twice now if anxiety begins to rivet my body. It isn't worth the toll it takes.
Just thought you might be interested to hear one worrywart's story, should you happen to be one yourself.