For the past several weeks when I've walked past the kid's bedrooms, with the sheets stripped on their beds, it's made me miss them even more. So today I made their beds, which makes their rooms look nicer and it's no longer a stark visual reminder that they aren't here.
This week on Humans of New York, they posted a picture of an older man who is also a dwarf (small person).
Under his photo was this quote:
"My philosophy is: 'If you like yourself, everything around you will fall into place.' "
Clearly there is a connection between people liking themselves and their contentedness in life. As well as a connection between people who felt loved, and accepted by their parents, and their contentedness in life.
So if we can just love, support, and accept kids, just as they are, and let them know it, we've really helped in the process.
God I hope I've done this. I really do. For the most part I think I have. However, I am sure there are places and times I've fallen short unfortunately.
Also this week, I thought I'd post this video that I made for a friend who is suffering from "Text Neck", as I have been. Caused by texting, "Text Neck" has many symptoms, like headaches, but for me, my right hand goes numb during the night, and sometimes even during the day.
It is the new epidemic, that can easily be confused with carpel tunnel syndrome.
The good news is that I have been doing this quick exercise before bed, and when I get up in the morning, and I am doing so much better. Amen!
Have a nice weekend everyone,