This photo collage is a recycle from last year. We're hosting my favorite holiday this year. This morning I was out in the woods gathering bittersweet and greens for the table. Tonight our eldest arrived. Tomorrow night our youngest arrives, if her flight isn't delayed with the storm here on the east coast. I am loving having our home come alive again after three months of quiet and solitude.
I'm not a religious person but when the kids were young we began saying a quick grace each night before dinner, as we continue to do. I wrote it so we could take time to count our blessings each day.
I leave it with you now but first I want to say Obrigada ( thank you in Portuguese) for your continued readership.
Let us be thankful for all that we have.
For our home, and our health, but especially for each other.
Each day is a blessing.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all.