"I didn't want to let women down. One of the stereotypes I see breaking is the idea of aging and older women not being beautiful." - Photographer Annie Leibovitz
Aside from the longevity of many of the people in my family, it was Annie Leibovitz's photographs of older people that inspired Lines of Beauty in 2010.
It's not every day that I look in the mirror and think that aging is wonderful. Letting go of youth is a process, not unlike the natural process of letting go of many things in our lives.
But I truly see the beauty of aging in those around me, and even in myself many days.
What I like is how real it is. Does that make sense? I like how authentic aging is and how it is simply what is suppose to happen. I like how all around us in nature we see aging. I like the organicness of it. The rawness. And I really don't want to monkey with it. This masterpiece of living.
I was thinking- how neat would it be to have wrapping paper with cool wrinkly old people on it?
This morning I've been enjoying a present my eldest daughter gave me. Devouring it actually. It's a beautiful book/magazine called Kinfolk that is published quarterly in Portland, Oregon. The photography is heavenly and this issue focuses solely on aging; in people, food, and in wonderful old things, like antiques, that we can fill our homes with.
Hope you're enjoying the post-Christmas calm as much as I am.