June 14, 2014

Maybe That's Not Love

Donna Lou Steven's video "Older Ladies" and Lines of Beauty are a match made in heaven.

Just 10 days on Youtube and it already has over 22k hits. It's very catchy and makes me wish I was in it, as not only are the lyrics great, but it looks like it was a lot of fun to make. I've already listened to it five times.

Oh man I love creativity. Keep it coming girl.

Also this week, from The Open Mind, some truths we so easily forget:

  • The average human life is relatively short. 
  • You will only live the life you create for yourself.
  • Some kind of failure always occurs before success.
  • You don't have to wait for an apology to forgive.
  • It's not other people's job to love you; it's yours. 

The last two I think are especially important. In all my years of observing people, those who hold grudges or can't find a way to love themselves are sailing on a sinking ship. The good news is that these wounds, usually from childhood, can be healed. But as my friend, therapist Cindy Brennan says, in her wonderful new book, Living , Loving & Unlearning,  you have to face the darkness, to see the light.