It's been a humdinger of a few weeks as the holiday season always is. In addition, we also had a funeral for Bernadette, a beloved aunt of Mr. Fix-It's, and a trip to the hospital for my mom, who pulled a muscle in her chest, and thought the pain might have been heart related. Luckily it wasn't.
Anyway, I've been unable to get to some of the tasks at hand.
Road blocks everywhere... I know you know what it's like when you can't get out of your own way...luckily the road blocks allowed for some stillness and much needed reflection.
Bernadette, as my sister-in law Laura said in her eulogy, was a beautiful, kind woman with an infamous smile and pretty white hair. She loved to wear scarves, the color red, and a generous splash of Jean Naté.
She also loved to sleep on crisp, ironed, hand-embroidered, Portuguese sheets.
But more than this, she was generous and chose to make a difference in the lives of people she loved, every day.
She was full of grace, with a gentle, calm manner,
Bernadette |
whom everyone felt comfortable being with.
I feel blessed to have known her and loved her.
Happy holidays to you all.