This is my dear friend Chris who I have known for ages. She took this photo of herself after getting out of the shower the other day and sent it to me.
She is sixty-seven and without make-up.
Chris has always been a beauty and still very much is, especially with a smile that lights up her eyes.
Along with the photo, she sent this message:
"After decades of attention towards my genetic good fortune, baffled because my looks were no accomplishment of mine, my beauty began to change and my social value did too. It wasn't my turn anymore. I was always more important than my looks AND unprepared for life under a dimmer spotlight. Life in America as a woman was confusing on that count. Now I know the deal and recognize aging as a source of wisdom and grounding.
I've stopped lamenting about visible aging. One of my teachers also a
former stunner, taught me "I was beautiful then and I'm beautiful now."
More on Chris and her inspirations on aging here.
Also this week on Huffington Post: 14 women show off wrinkles to make a potent statement about aging.